Working from home is going to be with many of us for the foreseeable future, not just to help with social distancing but also as many organisations question the economic and environmental impact of our regular daily commute to expensive office space.

Cyber Security

SAN Institute Working From Home Fact SheetTo keep ourselves cyber secure when working from home and to double check on any bad habits we may have acquired over the past months, it is worth revisiting the SANS Institute's Top 5 Steps to Securely Work from Home checklist. This covers:

  • You
  • Your Home Network
  • Your Passwords
  • Updates to your Devices
  • Your Kids & Guests

Click here to see the full article.


Don’t forget, that wherever you are working, your physical and mental wellbeing is of paramount importance. A great resource, with useful and thoughtful tips is the BBC's Don’t Tell Me The Score podcast episode: Looking after yourself at home with James Collins. Click here to listen to the podcast.

Further information

The SANS checklist is available in other languages from: Other related resources can be found at:

Full details of the award winning Don't Tell Me The Score podcast can be found at, with the back catalogue at